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JP Percussion bank transfer details.

As a reference when making the transfer, please make sure that you use your Initial and surname plus location of the workshop. If you are purchasing instruments please use your name as you initial and surname as a reference.Please also make us aware that you have made a transfer by using the form on this page.


UK account for anything except Escola de Bateria Rio payments
Acc no. 11694650
Sort code 402420
IBAN - GB25MIDL40242011694650
Swift code - MIDLGB22

For payments within Ireland in Euros
Iban - ie35arcu99104001231705
BIC code - arcuie21xxx
Acc no - 01231705
Sort code - 99-10-40

Brazil flag

Escola de Bateria Rio payments
‭Acc no. 00293499‬
Sort Code 11-03-82
IBAN GB39HLFX11038200293499

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